
Calvin Johnston Heads Technology Corridor Assn.

Calvin H. Johnston, president of the Johnston Group, Century City, has been elected 1987-88 president of the Technology Corridor Assn., succeeding Russ Goodman of the Sammis Co.

The association is a coalition of developers, brokers, architects and others involved with the Technology Corridor, which borders the Ventura Freeway from Woodland Hills to Newbury Park.

Other new officers are vice presidents Mitch Ritschel, Bedford Properties Inc.; Bob Lowe, Lowe Development Corp., and Gerald Katell, Katell Properties Inc. Sam Currey of the Currey-Riach Co. is treasurer, Gilbert Eisner of Gilbert Eisner & Associates Inc. is secretary, and board members are Bill Lassetter, the Voit Cos.; Bob Lumley, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes, and Mike Sondermann, Lincoln Property Co.
