
Deportation of Karl Linnas

The Times reports (April 21) that it took an eight-year court battle to finally deport Karl Linnas, an accused Nazi war criminal, to the Soviet Union. The fight was lengthy, the article said, because of the “American distrust of the Soviet judicial system.”

What a misplaced argument! Since 1945 the U.S. government has ignored or even protected and used former Nazis and tolerated their presence in our nation because, through some twisted reasoning, they are “anti-Communist.” I certainly do not trust the American judicial system to deal with former Nazis as they should be dealt with. It has taken the United States far too long to send them to the nations that should put them on trial and, hopefully, execute them as soon as possible.

The U.S. Supreme Court deserves praise for making the deportation of Linnas to the Soviet Union possible.



Los Angeles
