
Safety on Laguna Canyon Road

I noted with interest your article “Crosses Bear Silent Witness to Dangers of Laguna Canyon Road” (April 12) but would like to clarify my position on the Laguna Canyon Road widening as mentioned in the article.

While I have supported in concept the widening of Laguna Canyon Road for some time, it is my hope that the project ultimately approved (either by the Coastal Commission or by legislation) can be a compromise plan which will enhance public safety as its paramount feature.

I am heartened by discussions between local transportation planning officials, Caltrans, and officials from the City of Laguna Beach; I have encouraged Caltrans to take lead responsibility for bringing forth a compromise. It is essential that we move quickly to save lives and to avoid the loss of scarce highway funding to other needs around the state.


We owe it to all who travel on Laguna Canyon Road to expedite improvements which will enhance public safety.


Senator, 37th District
