
Eastern Sierra Trout Season Opens Today With Anglers Facing Some Changed Rules

The usual turnout of 30,000 to 40,000 fishermen is expected today for opening day of the Eastern Sierra’s trout season.

But for many of them, those fishing on Crowley Lake and its major tributaries, today’s will be an uncommon opener. New catch-and-release regulations go into effect today, the most significant changes enacted here since the late 1940s.

The daily limit at Crowley has been dropped from seven to five. And for many of the lake’s seven tributaries--including all of the Upper Owens River--the limit is two trout, each of which must be at least 18 inches long. Gear is restricted to lures and flies with single, barbless hooks.


The new regulations will remain in effect through June 31, then will be in effect again Oct. 1-31.
