

. . . CBS is still touting its soon-to-film “Mourning Song” as a “true story” based on Colleen Applegate, the small-town Minnesota girl who became porn star Shauna Grant and turned a shotgun on herself (according to a coroner’s finding). We knew they were changing her name in deference to the family, but now they have her hailing from Texas--and dying of an overdose. What else, we wonder?

. . . Like every other sportscaster in town, KCBS’ Jim Hill announced that the Raiders had acquired star wide receiver James Lofton from the Packers. But Hill--himself a one-time NFL player--was unique in not mentioning (on the newscast we saw) that Lofton goes on trial next month on a sexual-assault charge.

. . . Zebra Books of NYC has announced with some fanfare that it will launch its new hardcover line with the autobiography of . . . Michael Reagan. We aren’t sure what, but there’s something funny in there.


. . . Bad enough to get commercials on film videos (like Pepsi pitches with “Top Gun”). Now they’re turning up on documentary-type fare--notably Honda motorcycle spots in the Leonard-Hagler fight video due out this week.

. . . We REALLY HATE IT when people make mistakes, like when somebody quibbles about a misdirected publicity release from Zarem Inc. about a Gulf & Western product--when it shoulda been Gulf & Pacific. And WE ESPECIALLY HATE IT . . . when we make the mistake!
