
Cats for Caldwell

Re your recent review of Erskine Caldwell’s “With All My Might” (The Book Review, March 1), I am the man’s elder son, Erskine Caldwell Jr., often referred to in my father’s autobiography as “Pix.”

When I was a young child, whenever my father got behind in his child support payments to my mother, I was sent off to spend time with him until the payments were current. I was dispatched to California twice, New York many times, to Connecticut, even to Europe. On each of these trips I would bring, in a brown cardboard box, two kittens as presents to my Dad, who was a great lover of cats. As we were living on a farm in Maine at the time, we always had at least 15 to 20 cats coming and going.

I thought this incident might be of interest to you.


Leucadia, Calif.
