
‘Behind Lines in Mozambique’

Behn’s account distorts facts, ignores history and is an apologia for a fractious group that has terrorized thousands of civilians in Mozambique.

Neither Behn nor the leaders of Renamo can deny that Renamo was created by Rhodesian security forces during the struggle for Zimbabwe independence. Those in the Rhodesian security forces have given detailed accounts of their creation of Renamo to destabilize Mozambique so it could not assist the liberation forces for Zimbabwe. Further, they have documented how the group was flown to South Africa in 1979 (at the time of Zimbabwe independence) to continue their sabotage of Mozambique from South African soil.

Mozambican troops have captured thousands of documents showing South Africa supplying Renamo, coordinating assaults and commanding Renamo.


Behn’s description of village life in the Renamo camp also cannot erase hundreds of testimonials given to international aid agencies in Mozambique about terrorist tactics of Renamo: ears and breasts cut off, children maimed, houses and crops burned, women raped. Visit any hospital in rural Mozambique and see the damage. As one patient said, “I don’t understand; if they did ever win, they would be ruling an earless people. Is this how they show they are for the people?”

One purported goal of Renamo, according to Behn, is free elections. She forgot to mention that Frelimo just successfully completed free elections, with multiple candidates for each office, with free and open discussion and with the people rejecting some incumbents as no longer worthy of their trust. More than 16% of those elected to the national assembly were women, not a small accomplishment for a developing nation. (Less than 5% in the U.S. Congress are women.) Renamo killed candidates and voters in an attempt to disrupt the elections, but did not succeed.

South Africa does not want Mozambique to survive; Mozambique’s non-racial society, democracy, and attempts to turn production over to the people are examples that apartheid cannot tolerate. Renamo is the tool of South Africa to export apartheid chaos.



Los Angeles

Thompson, an associate professor of political science at USC, has done research on Mozambique and has traveled in various provinces there.
