
Dogs and the Permissive Society

Some dog owners don’t believe in signs, at least not those who allow their pets to disobey the leash law and cleanup rules in city parks.

Notices are posted at all entrances which clearly state “Dogs On Leash” and “Dog Defecation Must Be Immediately Removed By Owners.” However, these directions for the public good are disregarded many times every day.

To observe such callous violations for yourself, just take a stroll through lovely Serrania Park in Woodland Hills. Most days you’ll find several dogs running loose, disgracefully flouting law and order. And, on weekends, you’ll likely see little children in need of hot soapy showers to rid themselves of smelly dog fecal matter they’ve become smeared with while playing in the grass.


What a shame that the Department of Animal Regulation has lost control over dogs in our parks. Ordinances under which officers formerly solved dog vs. people problems have lost their clout. Permissive society apparently objects to enforcement of reasonable regulations enacted to protect our own health and safety.

Fortunately, most of us who use the parks are law-abiding citizens. Unfortunately, dog owners ignoring the law are uncaring members of our society. A case of the minority spoiling a good park for the majority.


Woodland Hills
