
Youthful Energy Shown on Sunny Day at Beach

My wife and I found Redondo Beach crowded with young people on their spring break when we went for a walk along the shore on Sunday. As we walked we saw a sailboat get into trouble when the wind and surf drove it aground onto the sand offshore.

Los Angeles County lifeguards immediately swam out and took two young girls (about 8 years old) off the boat and then tried to push the boat (about 35 feet long) and her skipper off the sandy bottom. At this point, about 25 young men and one young woman went out to assist. They were unable to push hard enough against the wind and surf to free the boat, but their efforts kept the boat from capsizing for the 15 minutes it took the Los Angeles County lifeguard boat to arrive.

The joint effort of the lifeguard boat pulling and young people pushing finally freed the sailboat. This brought applause from the crowd of people who were watching from the beach.


It was nice to see this youthful energy, on a beautiful warm, sunny Sunday afternoon, early in spring break, used in such a positive, helpful way!


San Pedro
