
Immigration’s Arrest of Palestinian Students

I find the letter by Ron Ackerman (March 19), commenting on your editorial (March 6) regarding the arrest by Immigration and Naturalization Service of Palestinian students for subversive activities very disturbing.

For the record, this particular case was conducted by the Los Angeles District Office according to firmly established, standard procedures authorized by the Department of Justice. Regional Commissioner Harold Ezell neither inspired nor directed this investigation. As a matter of fact, the case originated with the FBI.

The disturbing point is that Ackerman has a hidden agenda. He uses this case merely as an excuse to launch a personal attack against Commissioner Ezell. He did not mention in his diatribe that he is a disgruntled, former INS investigator who was assigned to this district office. This is the latest in a series of incidents in which he has sought to discredit Ezell.


I hope this clarifies the issue for your readers.


District Director

Immigration and

Naturalization Service

Los Angeles
