
Monterey Park : City to Buy El Encanto

The City Council has agreed to spend $60,000 to renovate the service clubhouse at Barnes Park and $250,000 to acquire the historic El Encanto building at 700 El Mercado Ave.

The clubhouse, which is used by service clubs as a meeting place, will be painted, and its roof, electrical wiring, air conditioning and furnishings will be repaired or replaced. The city has taken over operation of the clubhouse from a nonprofit corporation and will rent it to service clubs and other groups.

The city also plans to acquire and refurbish El Encanto for use as a community meeting place. El Encanto was built in 1928 to promote the Midwick housing tract and has been used over the years as a real estate office, wedding chapel, USO center and private home. The city has agreed to pay Peter and Lin Chou $250,000 for the property. The state Office of Historic Preservation is expected to contribute $100,000 toward the cost.
