

COUNCILMAN HAL BERNSON - Born: Nov. 19, 1930, Los Angeles. - Family: Married with three daughters. - Education: L.A. City College. - Former occupation: Owned custom T-shirt store. - History: Elected in 1979 to succeed retiring Councilman Robert Wilkinson. Reelected in 1983 with 64% of the vote against one opponent. - Record: Authored law requiring owners of older buildings to bring structures up to earthquake-safety standards. Proposed plan to make it easier for landlords to evict low-income Latinos from run-down Bryant-Vanalden apartments in Northridge. Dropped plan in face of strong opposition and won approval for alternative proposal to provide taxpayer support to developers to fix up the blighted neighborhood. Sponsored zoning laws to drive adult businesses from residential neighborhoods, limit mini-malls and protect equestrian districts. - Profile: A conservative Republican on a largely Democratic council, although the council is nonpartisan. He has shown moderation on a variety of issues, voting to support colleagues seeking to limit growth in their districts. He is considered by his colleagues to be effective in his district but not a leader on the council. He has expressed interest in running for the county Board of Supervisors. - Outlook: Should win reelection easily against a little-known, poorly financed opponent. COUNCILMAN JOHN FERRARO - Born: May 14, 1924, Cudahy, Calif. - Family: Married with three children and two grandchildren. - Education: USC, bachelor’s degree in business administration. - Former occupation: Insurance broker. - History: Served 13 years on the Police Commission. Appointed to City Council in 1966 to fill vacancy created by the death of Harold Henry. Ran unsuccessfully for county supervisor in 1974. Was council president from 1977 to 1981. Reelected in 1983 with 87% of the vote against two incumbents. Ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 1985. - Record: Played leading role in bringing Olympics to Los Angeles. Has led opposition to Metro Rail. Co-authored last year’s council redistricting plan. Supported restrictions on high-density development in Valley Village area of North Hollywood. Established city Department of Aging. - Profile: In discussing his 20 years on the council, Ferraro, a former All-American football player at USC, talks most about being a team player. “I was a tackle,” he says, comparing his tenure on the council to his days on the playing field. “Sure, we never got any glory, no headlines, and that has been my philosophy.” - Outlook: Even though half of Ferraro’s reapportioned district is new, he should easily win reelection in his first council race as a Valley representative. COUNCILMAN JOEL WACHS - Born: March 1, 1939, Scranton, Pa. - Marital Status: Single. - Education: UCLA, bachelor’s degree; Harvard Law School; New York University, master’s degree. - Former occupation: Tax attorney. - History: Defeated Councilman James Potter in 1971 by mobilizing homeowners who resented the incumbent’s pro-development bias. Has been easily reelected three times since. Ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 1973. - Record: Council’s leading proponent of rent control. Authored a law prohibiting discrimination against AIDS victims. Proposed requiring developers to set aside part of construction costs for artworks. Proposed establishment of dog runs in city parks. Authored measures restricting building on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City and in Valley Village area of North Hollywood. Set up task force to deal with abandoned cars. Sponsored ordinance providing portion of city’s 10% hotel tax to finance shelters for homeless. - Profile: One of the brightest, and most emotional, council members. He is strongly disliked by colleagues, who say he often breaks his word. Wachs says he is disliked because he is not part of the “old-boy network.” - Outlook: Lost most of his political base to reapportionment, but is favored to win reelection.
