
Deportation of Karl Linnas

Your editorial made me very angry. It sounded just like the rhetoric the American Civil Liberty Union would come up with, always worrying about the rights of the bad guys, and thereby ignoring and diminishing the suffering of the victims.

In the case of Karl Linnas, who was charged with unspeakably horrible crimes against humanity, it would be only fitting and proper that he should be turned over to the Russians for trial. If he is then sentenced to death, so be it!

The Soviets have no bleeding hearts who worry about his rights. You admit yourself that it is doubtful that he would actually be put on trial in the United States.


The last sentence in your editorial upset me the most, stating commitment to the rules of law should be more important than seeing that this war criminal should be brought to justice. In this case, justice can only be done if “the punishment fits the crime.”


Los Angeles
