

I am pleased that the state Senate voted to emphasize abstinence as “ ‘the primary’ method of preventing the spread of AIDS” (Times, Feb. 27).

There is no reason why our educational program cannot stress health and ethics. To only speak about condoms and “safe sex” as ways to prevent acquired immune deficiency syndrome is an insult to the moral capacity of our students. Young people can choose abstinence before marriage, and monogamy after, and our public schools need to emphasize and support those choices.

Some have said that since there is already so much promiscuity, we should put our efforts in the distribution of condoms. However, the dramatic changes in the gay community toward abstinence and monogamous relationships in just a matter of months demonstrates the capacity of men and women to follow a healthier sexual ethic, even after a history of multiple partners. The best prophylactic is not made of latex. It is made of strong moral fiber and a loving commitment to one partner.



