
Positive Coverage

I heartily thank you for the exceptional coverage you gave Southeast Area as we instituted Operation STRAP (Stop The Rock--Assist Police) to combat narcotics activity in Southeast Los Angeles. It’s the most extensive and positive coverage I’ve seen directed toward the Los Angeles Police Department since I have been associated with the department.

As a direct result of your interest and coverage of the targeted area of 87th Street and the efforts of our police officers, blatant illegal narcotics activity has ceased. Of course, the danger of the narcotic/gang activity returning is always possible, but for now, the citizens of the neighborhood are living in a far more peaceful environment.

We welcome your continued interest and support. I am convinced the only answer to solving this public menace of neighborhood violence and disruption is through a united approach by all responsible people.


I would like to personally compliment Patt Morrison for her outstanding article.



Commanding Officer

Southeast Area

Los Angeles
