
U.S. Envoy to Switzerland Denies Playing Role in Iran-Contra Affair

United Press International

Faith Ryan Whittlesey, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, told a House panel Tuesday she played no role in the Iran- contra affair but would not say publicly what the CIA told her about secret Swiss bank accounts.

Whittlesey also told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee that two phone calls she received from Lt. Col. Oliver L. North were personal in nature and she never discussed any aspect of the foreign policy affair with him.

North, fired from the National Security Council on Nov. 25, is believed to have been instrumental in the diversion of profits from U.S. arms sales to Iran to the contras through secret Swiss accounts, and in the effort to raise private money for the Nicaraguan rebels.

‘Had No Knowledge’

“I was in no way involved with any efforts to raise money for the Nicaraguan resistance, either directly or indirectly,” Whittlesey told the panel. “I had no knowledge of it and no involvement with it.”


Whittlesey had been linked politically to North while she served as a White House aide for two years in between two stints as ambassador to Switzerland. She began her second tour as ambassador in 1985.

She said she received two calls from North last fall when it was revealed that Whittlesey allegedly misused embassy money and engaged in questionable personnel practices.

A Justice Department investigation subsequently found that she had not committed any illegalities.
