
Howard Baker, Nancy Reagan

President Reagan and I were born in the same year. At our age, I can mo more run my grocery store than he can run the federal governments.

However, I’m more fortunate than the President in that my employees can operate the store without me. That is more than I can say about the President’s men.

When Reagan was reelected to his second term I commented, “I’d love to have him for a friend, but I hate to have him for a President.”


His best course, at the present, is to pressure George Bush into resigning the vice presidency because of that worthy’s involvement in the present international fiasco. The President could then move Howard Baker into the vice presidency. The next course would be for the President to retire from office as gracefully as possible.

Although I’m an old hard-headed Democrat, I would have no qualms about having Howard Baker head the government.

I can’t think of anybody, under the circumstances, better qualified to hold that office.


