What <i> Didn’t</i> Reagan Know?
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I refer to the article by Roger Simon in the Dec. 17 issue. Why was this article buried on page 5 of the View section when it obviously belongs in the Metro section with the editorial comments?
For those readers who might have overlooked this item, it deals with the murder of the 241 Marines and sailors in Beirut in October, 1983, and the promise by Reagan that those responsible would be punished. The article then went on to state that our government did establish that the government of Iran was responsible, but hid this information from the people of the United States. . . .
As Simon says, “He kills our men and we offer him gifts.” Simon further suggests a variation on the “Tell it to the Marines” phrase; tell the relatives of the dead Marines how you sent missiles and weapons to the murderers in Iran, Mr. President.
Santa Monica