
Didn’t Intercede

An Aug. 15 article (“Jet Air Owner Faces 17-Count Indictment”) states that Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-San Diego) reportedly interceded on Jet Air’s behalf with federal officials in Washington. The reporter states that Congressman Hunter could not be reached for comment. As Congressman Hunter’s district administrator, I would like to set the record straight.

When Jet Air President Jim Mills contacted Congressman Hunter, the congressman did not intercede on Jet Air’s behalf. What he did was suggest that the Navy contact NASA and inquire as to Jet Air’s status with the space agency. The Navy did this and found that the company was not barred from performing government work.

This action was not different than we have taken in more than 6,000 cases which this office has handled since the congressman was elected in 1980.


This office often asks government agencies for clarification of bidding requirements and sponsors annual procurement conferences to keep San Diego businesses informed on how to do business with the federal government.

To do any less would be a disservice to those we represent.


Aide to Rep. Duncan Hunter

El Cajon
