
San Diego

Efforts to restore the Los Penasquitos Lagoon south of Del Mar received a boost this week when the state Coastal Conservancy authorized the purchase of 20 acres on the southeastern border of the wetland.

The property, which is owned by Sorrento Associates and lies within the San Diego city limits, is one of the final parcels adjacent to the wetland under private ownership. The firm initially had asked $1 million for the land but ultimately sold it for $650,000, a conservancy spokesman said.

Joan Jackson, president of the Los Penasquitos Lagoon Foundation, said the acquisition is a key to protecting the shallow lagoon from further encroachment by development. Previous building in the watersheds that feed the lagoon has sent a tide of silt into the wetland, damaging its water quality, plant life and bird habitat.


“This is a great step forward and will really help us with implementation of our lagoon enhancement plan,” Jackson said, noting that with the impending state purchase of another parcel of 200 acres owned by San Diego Gas & Electric Co., development threats to the wetland are diminishing.

The enhancement plan involves opening the mouth of the lagoon periodically to restore tidal action and rejuvenate vegetation to attract bird and marine life. It also calls for species monitoring and the creation of a nesting area for the endangered California least tern.

Improvements are funded with fees from area developers, who are required to contribute to an account managed by the Coastal Conservancy as a condition of their coastal development permits.
