
ON THE TOWN: The Thunder Road Club...

ON THE TOWN: The Thunder Road Club in Pasadena (which features all-Boss dance tunes) will auction off several personally-autographed Bruce Springsteen albums this Thursday night as part of the club’s benefit for the Oldtimers Steelworkers Foundation, a favorite Springsteen charity that is being evicted from its Huntington Park headquarters. The club’s $5 attendance fee for the festivities this week will also be donated to the Foundation. . . . And you may have seen battles of the bands--but what about a “Battle of the Macho Poets”? The pugilistic poets will be at the Roxy Monday night at 8 p.m., and the center ring will feature such pugnacious talents as Black Flag’s Henry Rollins, X’s John Doe and Dave Alvin, the Minutemen’s Mike Watt and essayist Richard Meltzer.
