

KNX probably would rather bury this one: The newsy station carried an item the other day about a New Yorker who fell into an open grave, broke his leg and is suing St. Patrick’s Cathedral for $5 million.

Without missing a beat, anchor Harry Birrell segued into the business report . . . sponsored by Forest Lawn.

“It was one of those times, folks,” news director Robert Sims told us. “These things aren’t supposed to happen, but we don’t want everything canned and polished.”


Forest Lawn rep Audrey Barrett said the park won’t demand free ad time as compensation: “It (the gaffe) was just an accident and, besides, since it happened in New York, it doesn’t affect us at all.”

Has anyone ever slipped prematurely into a grave at Forest Lawn?

“Oh Lord, no!,” said Barrett.
