
Parents to Take Appeal for Fernald to Regents’ Panel

The educational policy committee of the University of California Board of Regents has agreed to hear an appeal against the closure of UCLA’s Fernald School for children with learning disabilities, according to Michael and Diane Cornwell, spokesmen for Friends of Fernald.

Cornwell will appear before the committee today in Davis to ask the regents to hold off for a year on UCLA Chancellor Charles E. Young’s decision to close the school June 30.

Friends of Fernald, a support group of parents, students and staff who oppose the school closure, will meet at the school at 2 p.m. Sunday, Cornwell said.


UCLA officials said the school is being closed so the funds can be used for research on childhood learning disorders, and because other schools are available for children with learning disabilities.

But parents argue that Fernald offers an unequaled setting for the education of children with learning problems because it is also a research center and teacher-training facility.
