
Culver City : Comment Sought on Project

The public has 30 days to review the environmental impact report for Marina Place, a 1.3-million-square-foot office complex proposed for 18 acres on Washington Boulevard, east of Lincoln Boulevard. Copies of the report are available at City Hall, 9770 Culver Blvd. and the Culver City Public Library, 4975 Overland Ave.

The Prudential Insurance Co. plans to build five high-rise buildings on land now occupied by warehouses and a parking lot. Neighbors on Walnut Avenue, Zanja Street, Glencoe Avenue and other streets near the property have protested the plan, saying the buildings are too large and will bring excessive traffic congestion.

Written comments on the environmental report should be mailed to Carol DeLay, P.O. Box 507, Culver City, 90232.
