
Presto, a Church Is Born

More than 2,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses worked feverishly over the weekend to build a new Lynwood church in time for noon services today.

The project, known as a “quick-build,” began on Friday, right, when the volunteer workers raised the frame of the 8,800-square-foot structure. By Saturday afternoon, most of the exterior and some of the trusses, electricity and plumbing were in place, above, leaving the interior work to be completed overnight.

A national fund earmarked for quick-build projects provided the $250,000 for materials.

The new Kingdom Hall will house four congregations, two Spanish-speaking and two English-speaking, that were displaced when their former church was demolished last year to make way for the Century Freeway.


Willis Johnson, a leader of the project, said building churches in two to three days has become popular among the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the last five years. Another quick-build was completed in early November in Eagle Rock.
