
Rear-Window Signs That Say, ‘Baby on Board’

This is in response to Rick Rhodes and others who spoke in defense of “Baby on Board” signs. I must admit that I missed Max Shapiro’s letter (Oct. 3) and that will probably make this letter somewhat redundant. However, I have my own complaint about drivers displaying these signs.

The first few times I saw a “Baby on Board” sign I thought they were a fantastic idea and did indeed drive a bit more safely around them. A parent should be concerned for the safety of his or her child and I thought that the sign was a wonderful way to express this concern.

However, my feelings of sympathy began to fade the first time I was driving to work in heavy traffic and watched a driver, complete with baby and sign, swerve into the emergency lane and race forward at speeds better than 65 m.p.h. just to pass three or four cars and end up right back in traffic.


It seems to me that parents displaying a “Baby on Board” sign are asking a favor of other drivers. My message to these parents is this: Before you can ask a favor of another person, you must first gain their respect.


San Clemente
