
‘A Day in the Classroom’ Series

One of my classes was featured in one of Bill Billiter’s “A Day in the Classroom” series (“Professor Maps Out a Winning Approach”) Oct. 21. I am very happy that his visit turned out so well in print.

As with the recent suicide we had here at Cal State Fullerton, most of the larger articles we read about us seem to deal with “bad news.” Although I realize that there was no assurance that Billiter would write up something about my class as “good news,” I nevertheless appreciate very much that it turned out that way.

Many of us here at the university are concerned about the many unusual and sensational problems we seem to encounter on campus. It is a very unfortunate and coincidental series of events we seem to have to live with--the suicides and the shootings. Not only do we all wish that the negative events would somehow end but we also hope dearly that the good things here will be emphasized more.


So thanks for providing us with the opportunity of giving you some good news, about one of the things we do best--communicate knowledge to students, get them to think, prepare them for society, and other classroom events.



Cal State Fullerton
