
Every Dog Has His Say

I’m responding to Darlene Chappell’s letter of Oct. 17.

Thank you for being concerned about my safety when I am riding in my owner’s truck. I was just posing for the photographer in the picture you saw in The Times. I am always chained, on a short enough chain so I can’t go over the side and hang myself, just behind the cab of the truck.

So you see, Darlene, you don’t need to worry about me. But I’m glad you wrote that letter because I have seen other dogs, whose people don’t love them as much as mine love me, fall out of the back of trucks and I think it is very sad and wasteful. My owners found me at the Pasadena Humane Society where I had been abandoned when I was just a year old (I am now 9), and I am very grateful for their love and care.

REX, owned by Katy Corneille

