
LION’S RUN by Craig Thomas (Bantam: $17.75)....

LION’S RUN by Craig Thomas (Bantam: $17.75). A spy thriller should obviously contain thrills. But this book, by a British author who has sold well in the past, is so complicated a story, so turgidly told, that whatever thrills there are come close to being obscured. The premise, that the Soviet KGB has a mole high in Britain’s intelligence apparatus, is a reasonable one, since it has happened several times in the postwar era. But the extent to which the KGB and British intelligence corroborate in this drama is mind-boggling. In real life, the Soviets probably don’t get such extensive help from the East Germans, and that is speaking only a little facetiously. This book lacks credibility even if one does have a great imagination and is a cure for insommia, not much else.
