
Grenada Invasion Anniversary

Today is the second anniversary of the invasion of Grenada by U.S. military forces.

Anyone care to celebrate?

Is there anyone around who cares enough to remember what happened on that small hapless island in the fall of 1983?

Some people come to mind who are not likely to ever forget:

--The families of the score or more of U.S. servicemen who were killed during the nine-day escapade--half of whom reportedly died as a result of accidents or “friendly fire.”

--Former Pfc. Harry Shaw of Missouri whose legs were shot off by a Navy A-7 jet that strafed his position, and the 120 other military personnel injured during the “rescue” operation.


--The relatives of the 30 patients at the island’s mental hospital who were killed when U.S. planes shot up the facility when it was mistaken for an enemy bastion.

--The American students at St. Georges University Medical School who, according to some of them, felt more threatened by the overkill firepower of our troops than what little if any came their way from the hastily mustered Grenadian or Cuban militia.

--The U.S. journalists who were forcibly barred from covering the operation until the Pentagon felt good and ready to allow them onto the island.


Also some questions come to mind. Like what if any benefits have come from the $57 million the United States has poured into the island over the past two years?

Or what is the status of the handful of the New Jewel Movement leaders our troops seized as suspects in the killing of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and 100 of his followers just a week before the invasion?

And where are all the U.S. businesses that were going to set up shop in Grenada to help the people there taste the sweet fruits of capitalism and free enterprise?


Finally, was the reason behind the invasion of Grenada only to find a reason for invading it? Or worse, was it a PR decision the Reagan Administration made to appear strong at a cheap price in one part of the world as it was looking impotent at a tragic price in another?

This time last year the Republican National Committee shrewdly orchestrated nationwide rallies on 100 college campuses to fete the operation on Grenada the year before. A final question has to be what do Reagan and his cohorts plan to do for an encore this year?


Los Angeles
