
Apprehension of Terrorists

How are we to prevent the destruction of our planet by nuclear weapons if we cannot even punish the murderers of a crippled, wheelchair-ridden man on vacation?

Recent events have shown the cowardice of the government of Italy, the prevarication of the president of Egypt, the complicity of the Yugoslavs, and the unrelenting mendacity of the Palestine Liberation Organization, from top to bottom. The fight against terrorism is the fight against a world with no logic, with no morality, and with no credibility. It is a fight against wanton murder, against the broken skulls of the innocent, and against the cowardice of nations.

We must come down hard on the side of honesty and right and fight tooth and nail against the viciousness of those fanatics who would deprive others of their freedom and their lives. Maybe some lessons have been learned, some lessons about who our friends are and who our enemies are. There can be no appeasement of the murderers in our midst. Only through strength of purpose and ideals can we combat this modern scourge, because surely there are no gallows high enough for these murderers of innocent men, women, and children.



Los Angeles
