
Alcoholic Parents

I would like to congratulate you on the recent article focusing on children of alcoholics (“Children of Alcoholics Battle Trauma as Adults” by Bob Sipchen, Sept. 24). The article dealt extremely well with the issues pertaining to children raised by alcoholic parents and the impact such an upbringing has on their lives.

Public exposure of these issues is a primary focus of the National Assn. for Children of Alcoholics, and media attention such as your article always serves to generate a tremendous response for additional information. These types of requests continue to serve as our motivation for additional development within our association. It is apparent that our efforts have only just touched the tip of the iceberg. After your article, we received well over 500 phone calls to our office for additional information.

GERALD S. MYERS, Executive Director

National Assn. for Children of Alcoholics

South Laguna
