
San Diego

Persons who ate at Bob’s Big Boy Restaurant at 3444 College Ave. are being advised by county health officials that they may have been exposed to infectious hepatitis and should immediately see their physicians.

Persons who ate at the restaurant between 4 p.m. and midnight Oct. 5, from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Oct. 6, and from 4 p.m. to midnight Oct. 10 may have been exposed to type-A hepatitis, according to Dr. Donald G. Ramras of the county health department.

Ramras said the warning was issued after a laboratory test confirmed that a cook who worked the late-afternoon and evening shift had the disease.


Ramras advised anyone who may have been exposed to see their physician for a gamma globulin shot to protect them against the disease. Gamma globulin is only effective if given within two weeks after exposure.

Symptoms of hepatitis include sudden fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, jaundice, and a yellow tinge to eyes and skin.
