
Pollution Warning Signs to Be Removed at Dockweiler Beach

The county Health Services Department has ordered the removal of signs that warned bathers at Dockweiler State Beach of health dangers from ocean water contaminated by organic waste.

The signs will be removed because tests have shown that the level of organic pollution is well within the allowable limits for bathing water, according to Richard Rinaldi, director of environmental protection for the county.

Signs were posted along a quarter-mile stretch of the beach in late July after a Los Angeles sewer line dumped 35,000 gallons of raw sewage into Ballona Creek. The creek empties into the ocean adjacent to Dockweiler Beach.


The July spill was the latest in a series that dumped more than a million gallons of sewage into the creek over the past year.

Warning signs will remain posted along a five-mile stretch of Ballona Creek, stretching from the Culver City overflow gate where the spills occurred, to the ocean.
