
Some Questions, Pedro, About Untimely Absence

Could you please give me some answers to the following questions?

(1) It was reported that Pedro Guerrero, on his recent brief visit to the Dominican Republic, could not sleep in his mother’s home as it was too hot there. Should not Pedro loan his mother enough money at some low interest rate so she could install air-conditioning in the guest bedroom and Pedro would have a comfortable place to sleep when he visits the old home?

(2) Why doesn’t Guerrero carry one of those small travel alarm clocks with him on trips?

(3) If the Cincinnati Reds win the Western Division by one game, will Pete Rose send that motel clerk in Santo Domingo who forgot to wake Pedro up in time to catch his plane a ticket to one of the division playoff games?

On second thought, Guerrero is a great guy. I am sure he does not need any input from us.


