
Countywide : Senator to Speak on Child-Care Insurance

In response to skyrocketing liability insurance, which has many in the child-care industry predicting massive closure of day-care centers, Sen. John Seymour (R-Anaheim) is scheduled today to discuss legislation he has proposed.

Seymour’s measure would establish a Joint Underwriting Assn., which would provide “reasonably priced” insurance to child-care providers who can’t pay for the coverage. All California insurance companies that write liability policies would be required to join the association if Seymour’s bill passes.

Day-care programs have been hit with high insurance rates as a result of sex-abuse scandals, such as the McMartin Pre-School case.


Although only 1% of all reported child abuse occurs at child-care and nursery schools, insurance companies across the country are increasing premiums, tightening eligibility qualifications, or abandoning the day-care and nursery school liability market.

Seymour will speak on the child-care insurance issue to day-care officials and others at 2 p.m. today at the United Way of Orange County in Garden Grove.
