
The ‘Perlman Plan’ for Orange County’s Political Woes

The commentary column, “A One-Party County Pays the Price” (July 28), by Jeffrey A. Perlman, has devastating implications.

Perlman suggests that Orange County voters “embrace political diversity in order to pursue community interests before a wide spectrum of decision-makers.” In other words, vote for the Democratic candidate for office, any office, merely because he or she is a Democrat, since that party is in control of the state Legislature and the House of Representatives, and as a member of the controlling party he or she can do more to advance local interests than a member of a minority party. He suggests exercising our voting franchise in this manner even though the minority party (Republican) represents the views of the electorate.

It is interesting to note that the Democrats hold a large majority of votes in the state Assembly due to some very creative gerrymandering. Actual votes cast by all Californians were almost equal in number for this office in our last general election for both Democrat and Republican candidates.


If voters follow Perlman’s advice to its logical conclusion, the electorate would vote for the candidate nominated by the party in power regardless of competing merits or issues. He is essentially saying: “To hell with the concept of majority rule. Vote them in because they belong to the party in power and can hopefully push through pork-barrel measures that may benefit our locality.”

This thinking is dangerous. If implemented it will lead our nation into becoming just another country with only one political party. Surely we will experience the loss of freedoms we now enjoy, as has every other nation that limited its political process to one-party representation.

Fortunately, I feel secure in my belief that Orange County voters will see the inherent weakness in Perlman’s advice and will continue to vote their own political philosophy and consciences.



