
Jewish Identity in the South Bay

As a member of the Jewish population in the South Bay, I wish to state the following: In the (July 14) South Bay section of the Los Angeles Times, Ann Johnson reported about a multifaceted plan for the southern area federation. As a community correspondent, she did justice and was quite accurate in her reporting. However, I vehemently disagree with Mr. William Bernstein’s statement, “When they become interested in what we do they begin to seek active participation in synagogue life.”

Bernstein added that those who are already affiliated with a synagogue can find (that) a center and its social services will be able to provide what the synagogue can’t because of limited budget and staff. “The competition that people think may exist between the two doesn’t,” Bernstein said.

I wish to inform readers . . . that traditionally when those who are already affiliated with a synagogue or temple drop out, they settle for the federation. Actually, the federation does compete directly for the funds which are needed for the upkeep of synagogues, this contrary to Bernstein’s statement. Instead, more money should be given to the existing facilities and the benefit will be felt immediately.



Director, Chabad of South Bay

