
Fullerton : Police Evacuate Building After Threat of Bomb

Police evacuated workers from a two-story Fullerton bank building housing the offices of Rep. William Dannemeyer after an anonymous telephone caller told a television station and a newspaper on Thursday that he had planted a bomb there in protest of the Fullerton Republican’s Central American policies.

After a fruitless half-hour search at midday of the Valencia Bank building, 1235 N. Harbor Blvd., people were allowed to return to work. Sgt. Ken Head said he was unsure how many were evacuated because many simply took the opportunity to go to lunch.

Dannemeyer, who said he couldn’t remember getting any such threats in the past, was in Washington Thursday.


He said he didn’t have any idea of the caller’s identity. “I can name a few political opponents of mine who probably wish it had been successful,” he joked. “They shall forever remain nameless.”
