
There Are Tragedies in Other Sports, Too

Regarding the commentary of Mike DiGiovanna on drag boat racing, it’s most unfortunate it took the death of a young spectator to point out the elements connected with the sport. There are many forms of boat racing, just as in car racing. Oval, or circle boat racing, was organized over 80 years ago by the American Power Boat Assn., the national authority sanctioning races from tiny outboards to the unlimited hydroplanes. APBA has always enforced very strict safety standards on boat, driver and spectator. The Southern California Speedboat Club has been conducting APBA races in this area for 39 years and has maintained an enviable record for running professional, clean racing events for the family racer as well as the family spectator. The problems associated with drag boats and NDBA have mistakenly been identified with all of boat racing in the past, when in fact, about the only common denominator between APBA and NDBA is water.

Many remember the SCSC events held at Long Beach Marine Stadium for 35 years. Along came the NDBA crowd, and all of boat racing was banned from the stadium in the name of excess noise, when in fact, the reason was the same elements so well described by DiGiovanna.


Los Angeles
