
A Need for Canceled Checks

The final sentence “Some Consumers Resist End to Canceled Checks” (For What It’s Worth, April 15) was perhaps the most pertinent in terms of today’s overall business climate: “They (consumers) may also dislike banks pretending that a reduction in service is an expansion.”

Customers, including other businesses and agencies, should--and may--finally revolt.

One would think there might be an outcry from the thousands of enterprises which always have insisted that “your canceled check is your best receipt.” The savings achieved by banks via less paper work and postage may translate into added expenses for firms or enterprises now faced by requests for proper, specific requests needed for tax or record-keeping purposes.

County property tax bills already have complicated the situation. They still carry the “canceled checks are your receipt” admonition, but gone is the option box you could check to request a genuine receipt stamp.



San Marino
