
Bid for Liquor Permit in Pacoima Is Dropped

A San Fernando real estate broker, who was denied a city permit to sell liquor at a proposed Pacoima pool hall that would operate next door to a mental health center, has chosen not to appeal the ruling, a city official said Friday.

The decision means the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Department, the agency that issues liquor licenses, must abide by the city ruling and deny the application of Henry Romero to serve alcohol at the site at 11479 San Fernando Road.

A city ordinance requires that a conditional use permit be granted by the Planning Department before the opening of any restaurant or bar serving liquor. Zoning adminstrator James Crisp turned down Romero’s request for a permit last month, saying that the sale of liquor would “act as a retardant” to the operation of the county-run San Fernando Mental Health Clinic.


Thursday was the deadline for appealing the Feb. 25 ruling with the city Planning Department’s Board of Zoning Appeals.

Romero, who pursued the liquor license for months despite intense community opposition, would not comment on his decision not to appeal.
