
Simi Schools Require Event to Be Insured

Anuclear freeze committee in Simi Valley will have to get $1 million in liability insurance before it can hold a meeting on school district property Friday night, the Simi Valley School Board has ruled.

The school board set the insurance requirement Tuesday night after members of the Simi Valley Nuclear Freeze Committee protested the board’s earlier denial of its application to use the Royal High School auditorium.

Supt. John Duncan said the board’s initial decision to turn down the group’s request was based on a district policy against the use of its facilities for music concerts promoted by outside groups. A publicity flyer for the nuclear freeze meeting mentions that two rock bands are scheduled to play.


The school board Tuesday voted unanimously to allow the event as long the group shows proof of its liability coverage.

Cathy Rickert, a member of the nuclear freeze committee, said the group was trying to arrange for the insurance coverage.

Ted Ottinger, a local teacher who is chairman of the committee, said the bands were on the programs to help attract youngsters to the evening program of speakers on the nuclear freeze movement.
