
Tustin : Teachers Picket Over Contracts--After School

In the second straight day of picketing by angry Orange County teachers, about 40 Tustin Unified instructors marched Wednesday afternoon in front of Foothill High School.

On Tuesday, an estimated 530 Irvine teachers took part in picketing in front of Irvine Unified schools.

In both cases, the teachers were demonstrating because of prolonged contract negotiations. While the Irvine teachers declared a one-day strike, the Tustin teachers demonstrated after school.


In Tustin, the teachers said they are particularly upset because they are working without a contract, unlike their Irvine counterparts, who are seeking changes to an existing contract.

The Tustin teachers’ old contract expired July 1, and they have been in negotiation for a new pact since Aug. 28, said Sandy Banis, president of the Tustin Educators Assn.

A key item is an 8% cost-of-living pay raise sought by the teachers’ union. The district has said it can afford no cost-of-living raise.


“This is our first day of picketing,” she said. “The district is still not offering us anything for a cost-of-living increase, and what they’re offering us (in special pay) for a longer (work) day and longer (school) year is regressive.”

Banis accused Tustin schools Supt. Maurice A. Ross of illegal bargaining procedures because he has mailed letters to individual teachers commenting on the district’s finances and the state of negotiations. She said the union has filed unfair labor practices charges with the state against Ross.

Ross, in a telephone interview, said he has found it necessary to send letters to the teachers “to correct accumulated misinformation.” He charged that the leadership of the teachers’ union has spread erroneous facts and figures to the teachers in the district.


“I will continue to send out these letters, and my (school) board thinks it’s right,” said Ross. “We’ve been negotiating in good faith and will continue to do so.”

However, the picketing teachers strongly disagreed Wednesday. They charged that Ross and the school district have prolonged contract talks needlessly. Several of the teachers also blasted Ross for sending individual letters to them.

“I think it’s too bad it has to boil down to this,” said Bob Hicks, business department chairman at Foothill High, as he picked up his sign and prepared to march. “I wish we didn’t have to picket and do things like hand out leaflets. This shouldn’t be necessary.”

Jeanie Dukette, vice president of the Tustin Educators Assn., said that a relatively small number of picketers was expected. “This is just the start of our picketing,” she said.
