
White Supremacy Flyers found in S.D.,L.A. Schools

Times Staff Writers

Flyers that proclaim white supremacy and charge that the World War II Holocaust is a hoax were discovered Tuesday in student lockers at several junior and senior high schools in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas.

The leaflets, which previously were distributed at schools in Palm Springs and Oroville, call on white students to work for the White Student Union and give a Fallbrook post office box number used by Tom Metzger, the former state leader of the Ku Klux Klan who lost a bid for San Diego area congressional seat in 1980.

Morris Casuto, director of the San Diego-Arizona office of Anti-Defamation League, charged that the White Student Union was “doing this for publicity to show that they have not died yet, even though their organization is pathetic and quite small. We are not interested in giving this type of garbage publicity.”


Gregory Withrow, 23, national director of the White Student Union, said from his Sacramento home that the organization was not seeking publicity but was forced to distribute the literature in that manner because schools and libraries refused to teach both sides of the Holocaust story.

Leaflets in Lockers The leaflets were placed in almost every locker at Granite Hills High School in El Cajon, school Principal JoAnn Smith said. Most students, however, went about their day as if nothing had happened, she said.

“they recognize this kind of thing for what it is,” Smith said. “We haven’t even skipped a beat.”


An El Cajon businessman offered $100 to the Heartland Human Relations Assn. to start a reward fund for the arrest and conviction of person or persons responsible for distributing the material, Heartland Executive Director Clara Harris said.

Wayne Tyra, assistant principal at Parkman, estimated that at least half of the school’s 920 students found the leaflets stuffed in their lockers when they returned to school Tuesday after a day off in honor of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the slain civil rights leader. Tyra speculated that someone climbed over the 7-foot-high fence surrounding the school to get to the lockers, all of which are outside.

The flyers give the phone numbers of recorded messages in seven areas around the state.

‘Grossly Exaggerated’ Callers to those numbers hear a young woman’s voice ask students and teachers to challenge the “grossly exaggerated” story of the Holocaust which, the message says, is used for “political and financial gain by Israel and her supporters.”


According to Metzger, the White Student Union was started about four years ago by Withrow, a student at American River College in Sacramento. Although Metzger said he has no official connection with the White Student Union, he said he agrees with their philosophy and gives the group whatever financial support he can. His 17-year-old son, John, a student at Fallbrook High School, is an officer in the group, he said.

The union is controlled and operated by children ages 14 to 19, who are concerned with “the survival of white working-class families,” Metzger said said. The group also opposes U.S. military intervention in Central America, the draft, and the threat of nuclear war in the Northern Hemisphere, which Metzger called the homeland of two-thirds of the white race.

“I encourage and support the group 100%,” Metzger said, Who runs what he called a “white workers organization,” the White American Political Assn., which he estimates has 3,000 to 4,000 members statewide.
